Your fundraise, Solved.

Raise money for your startup with a little help.

Get your pitch deck, business model, or accelerator application reviewed for free.

Choose a relevant expert
for the type of startup you're building.

Solved experts will send you a personalized, relevant video with
relevant and actionable feedback on your fundraising materials.
Pick the expert that makes sense for your stage or industry.
Upload the asset you want reviewed.
Receive a personalized video response.


Head of Platform at Forum VC

Supports 350+ portfolio companies through product, recruiting, and GTM playbooks and mentorships. Has reviewed hundreds of applications to the Forum VC accelerator program.


Cofounder at Purpose Built Ventures

3x founder. Reviewed 1000+ pitches and helped raise $50M for companies reaching millions of customers and $10+M in revenue.


CEO + Cofounder at Purpose Built Ventures

3x founder + 1 IPO. Investor + advisor to 30+ startups and nonprofits.  

How Solved works

Tell us what fundraising material you want reviewed.
Pick an expert & what pricing option you'd like.
If you want the free version, their review of your work (with contact information scrubbed) will appear on this site so more people can learn from real world examples.

If you pay for a review, the review will be private forever.
Get a video response from your expert reviewing your work.
Make any edits + go fundraise with confidence.

Solved Experts review...

Pitch Decks
Make sure you have all the components you need to make a strong case for your business.
Business / Financial Models
Get a second set of eyes to ensure your financials make sense.
Accelerator Applications
Give yourself the best chance to stand out from the crowd of applicants.  

Solved reviews are free —
so we can let more people transparently see what happens during the fundraising process.

Investors are not always incentivized to give you detailed and actionable feedback on why they didn't invest. That's why we're giving away free reviews and sharing them — so founders can learn from one another and put their best foot forward.


Documents go public in 4 months (without contact info to preserve personal privacy)

Standard review time (within 14 days of submission)
Submit for review.


Private forever

Standard review time (within 14 days of submission)
Submit for review.


Private forever

Accelerated review time (within 3 business days of submitting)
Submit for review.

Questions? Email us here.


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